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NSX-T Federated VCF Regions (VCF Multi-Region)

NSX-T Federated VCF Regions (VCF Multi-Region)

A Step-by-step approach

A Written Guide to NSX-T Federated VCF Regions

The intention of this post is to provide some of the finer details that were discussed in my video.

This article will cover the Federation process demonstrated in the video, however, the real purpose is to dive deeper into the network and NSX-T Federation logical constructs. The table of contents below lists all the steps that will be discussed, with hyperlinks to make it easier to jump to the various sections.

As mentioned in this article and linked video, both show the process to federate the Management Domain. The same process must be repeated for any subsequent Workload Domains, including the deployment of additional Global Manager appliances. The region-specific Workspace One appliance can be re-used for all NSX-T components in the region.

NOTE: Since this post was written, the official steps no longer require you to add the vCenter servers as compute managers. Please ignore the references that request you to do so. Doing so does not invalidate your deployment if you have already done it, it just adds no benefit. You will be able to add the management domain compute manager, however, will not be able to achieve the same result with the workload domain. When you attempt to deploy the appliances for the workload domain, they will be deployed onto the workload domain nodes, which is not what you should be doing, all management appliances should be deployed into the management domain.

Step 1: Deploy NSX-T Global Managers (GM)

The video demonstration showed a single Global Manager being deployed, however, for completeness, this article will demonstrate a 3 node cluster being deployed and configured.

To begin, manually deploy all three Global Manager nodes using an OVA. The three managers that have been deployed in this example are called.

  • reg1-mgmt-gm
  • reg1-mgmt-gm2
  • reg1-mgmt-gm3
Get The API Thumbprint

On the first GM that was deployed, run the command below. This will retrieve the API thumbprint on the manager which will be used to join the subsequent managers and form a cluster.

reg1-mgmt-gm> get certificate api thumbprint

You will also need the cluster ID on from the first manager, running the below command will retrieve the UUID. The snippet below shows the command and output from it.

reg1-mgmt-gm> get cluster config
Sun Oct 17 2021 UTC 07:02:16.491
Cluster Id: 83120010-d909-4644-83e8-c463597516f9
Cluster Configuration Version: 0
Number of nodes in the cluster: 1

Node UUID: 49ec2a42-912e-7931-dbaf-8be54fad93c0
Node Status: JOINED
    ENTITY                               UUID                                       IP ADDRESS      PORT     FQDN
    HTTPS                                d6d973dc-6661-43f5-8845-78cf8c537264     443      reg1-mgmt-gm
    ASYNC_REPLICATOR                     f84a75b4-1a53-4635-ba4e-3103597d59ea     -        reg1-mgmt-gm
    CLUSTER_BOOT_MANAGER                 d59d44b8-acc1-4574-bf38-a1d37719c67b     -        reg1-mgmt-gm
    DATASTORE                            8636a99c-6455-4cb1-a923-26ca1e0824d2     9000     reg1-mgmt-gm
    GLOBAL_MANAGER                       daffb0c5-5106-477a-973e-2fab4bcbb4ab     -        reg1-mgmt-gm
    MONITORING                           d5182df7-b4a8-4062-951b-b7be1b35821c     -        reg1-mgmt-gm
    MANAGER                              c94ac304-6f4c-4468-95ba-b47c12a86a00     -        reg1-mgmt-gm
Join GM2 and GM3 and form a cluster

On GM2 and GM3 issue the below command, change the fields to suit your environment.

reg1-mgmt-gm2> join cluster-id 83120010-d909-4644-83e8-c463597516f9 username admin password VMware123!VMware123! thumbprint c36f9ee858c3fa6e2a0ff78aa32477feb4c0fbd081ebceba2654123d10cabe49

You will be prompted to confirm data loss on the node, type in yes and allow it to proceed.

Manually deploy the second NSX-T global manager node
Add the second GM to the cluster

Repeat the same on the third and final GM node.

Manually joining the third GM to the cluster
Join the third GM node to the cluster
Verify the cluster status and set the cluster VIP

The output below was is from the first GM deployed in the cluster, however, it may be run on any of them. It is important to note that the GM nodes must satisfy the minimum RTT of 10ms within the same cluster and have complete IP connectivity with one another. In order to be able to set a VIP, all nodes must be deployed onto the same subnet.

GM cluster healthy
GM cluster healthy

The cluster status can also be checked in the web UI, in this case I browsed to the web interface of the first node https://reg1-mgmt-gm.region1.shank.com -> System -> Global Manager Appliances. This is also where we will be setting the VIP for the cluster.

healthy GM cluster in UI
UI shows the cluster as healthy

Set the cluster VIP by selecting SET VIRTUAL IP and click Save. Ensure the VIP has a forward and reverse DNS record for the region.

Assigning a VIP to the GM cluster

Once complete, the VIP will be assigned to one of the cluster nodes, as seen in the image below.

VIP assigned to node

Step 2: Integrate Region 1’s Global Manager with vCenter and Workspace One Access

Now that the GM cluster is configured, the management domain’s compute manager (vCenter) can be added to the Global Manager cluster and it can be integrated with Workspace One Access for Identity Management.

Integrate the Global Manager cluster with Workspace One Access

Use an OVA to manually deploy Workspace One Access to the management domain cluster. Ensure it is up and running before proceeding. The OVA can be found here.

Once the appliance is booted for the first time, it takes you through an initial setup. This setup includes specifying passwords and whether you wish to use the internal database or not. Upon completion, it restarts the services and waits for the appliance to become available.

At this point you should be able to browse to https://<fqdnofWS1/admin>. Login with admin and you should be presented with this screen.

first login to workspace one appliance
WS1 Access Landing Page

Click on Catalog -> Settings -> Remote App Access -> Clients -> Create Client

creating access client for GMs
ws1 access client access
Create client access

Populate the details as follows, changing the Client ID to suit your environment. Note down the Client ID and shared secret.

workspace one access token created
Generate client token

Browse to the VIP of the Global Manager cluster, navigate to System -> User Management -> VMware Identity Manager -> Edit.

vIDM integration global manager
Configuring Identity Management on the Global Manager Cluster

Populate the details, changing the required fields to match your environment.

You will need to obtain the thumbprint of the Workspace One Access appliance, in this example I have SSH’d onto a Global Manager, logged in as root and issued the command below, which will display the SHA256 thumbprint.

root@reg1-mgmt-gm2> openssl s_client -connect ws1a.fqdn:443 < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | openssl x509 -sha256 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin
ws1 access thumbprint
WS1 Access Thumbprint

Save the configuration once all the details have been populated. Once completed, you should be presented with the screen below.

Global Manager integrated with workspace one
WS1 Integrated

This means identity management configuration was successful and you are able to assign roles and permissions as required for your deployment.

The process to deploy the appliance can be found on this page and the method to obtain the thumbprint can be found here.

Step 3: Make Region 1’s Global Manager (Cluster VIP) Active

Use the VIP to log into the Global Manager instance, navigate to System -> Location Manager -> Click on Make Active.

Make the primary global manager cluster active
Make GM cluster active

You will be presented with the below screen, enter a name for the primary cluster, I tend to follow the DNS entry of the VIP. It doesn’t have to be an FQDN.

Configure the name for the cluster

It should look like this once complete.

Primary Global Manager Cluster configured
Primary Global Manager Cluster configured

Step 4: Add the first on-prem Location

To add the first location, on the same screen as above, scroll down and click on add on prem location.

add first location
Add the first location

Populate the details as shown in the image below, changing it to suit your environment.

Add location

The thumbprint can be retrieved by SSH’ing onto any of the the Local Managers deployed (NSX-T Manager not in global mode for the region) and issuing the command shown in the snippet below.

reg1-nsx> get certificate cluster thumbprint

Save the configuration once complete. This process may also be referred to as ‘on-boarding’ a site.

Step 5: Import Local Manager Objects and configure networking (RTEPs) (detailed)

This step will include instructions for importing objects and configuring RTEPs to enable cross-site communication.

Before demonstrating the process of importing objects, i’ll quickly touch on what this is actually achieving.

With Federation, there are new management plane constructs, they are Global Managers and Local Managers. Global Managers are appliances that have been deployed using the Global Manager role during OVA deployment. The Global Managers are responsible for synchronizing objects between Global Manager clusters and Local Manager clusters for both local and remote sites.

Global Managers do not deal with the data plane, this is left to the Local Managers and Transport Nodes. Global Managers ensure objects configured as a global object are synchronized with the standby Global Manager cluster and Local Manager clusters. It does so using the async replicator service on port 1236 which is run by the application proxy service. The latter service is responsible for connectivity between Global Manager clusters (active / standby) and Global Manager and Local Manager clusters.

Examples of other attributes that are synced between sites includes; Groups and their memberships, segment tables (MAC / ARP etc).

Note: Local Managers are the NSX-T Manager appliances that are not in Global Manager mode and have data plane nodes enabled and configured on them.

Importing Objects

Importing objects from a Local Manager is essentially promoting objects that are configured on a Local Manager cluster, into global objects. Once this process is complete, those objects become read-only on the local managers and are generally only configurable on the Global Manager appliance.

Once the first location is on-boarded, you are prompted to import the configuration from the Local Managers. It is important to note that you will only be prompted once, if you dismiss this notification or complete the process, you cannot do this again. You will also not be able to import configuration until you have a valid and successful backup.

Import Local Manager objects

After clicking import, a dialogue box pops up showing you the count and types of objects that will be imported. At the bottom of this screen you are able to add a prefix/suffix to the names of the objects that will be imported. For example, adding reg1- will import a Tier-0 gateway named Tier-0, as reg1-Tier-0. This prefix/suffix will apply to all objects being imported.

Importing Local Manager Objects

Click Next, the following screen will be a confirmation window, click Import. Once the process is complete, you will see a green banner stating the process was successful.

Import successful

If you navigate to the networking tab and click through the gateways or segments, you will be able to see the objects that were imported.

Cross-Region-T1 Imported

As you can see from the image below, the policy path for reg1-mgmt-domain-tier1-gateway gateway now includes /global-infra/tier-1s/reg1-mgmt-domain-tier1-gateway and the local policy path. Even though you are able to list the logical routers using the path shown, you are not able to configure it here.

policy path for global manager object

When viewing objects from a Local Manager, all imported objects and objects created globally are marked with a GM, as can be seen in the image below.

GM tagged object on local manager

You will no longer be able to edit this object on the Local Manager, the option is greyed out. It must be edited from the Global Manager interface.

read only local manager object
Configuring RTEPs (Region 1)

RTEPs are a crucial component to Federation. RTEPs are an additional TEP interface instantiated on Edge nodes and similar prerequisites apply to them as with the other TEP interfaces.


  • Each site must have a VLAN configured for RTEPs, they do not need to be stretched
  • Each RTEP subnet between sites must be routable
  • It is recommended to have an MTU of 1700
  • Port 6081 must be open between the subnets

Once connectivity is established and all Edge nodes (both sites) are deployed, a GENEVE tunnel (UDP 6081) is formed between remote Edges. It is important to note that these tunnels are only formed cross-site and not between RTEP interfaces on the same site. Once the tunnel is up, iBGP peering sessions are formed between the Edges for route advertisement and data transport.

To configure RTEPs, navigate to System -> Local Manager -> Networking (under the newly added location).

Fill in the details as required by your environment.

You will be prompted with a green banner when the RTEPs are configured successfully.

Step 6: Create the Global Tier-1 Gateway

This step involves creating a new Tier-1 gateway that will be called Cross-Region-T1, this is the gateway that will have the Cross-Region AVN attached to it. Keep in mind, at this point only one location exists, therefore, the gateway is technically not yet stretched.

Navigate to Networking -> Tier-1 Gateways > Add Tier-1 Gateway.

Enter a name for the gateway and the Tier-0 gateway it is to be linked to, refer to the image below. Click save one complete.

You will be prompted if you want to continue configuring the gateway, click on yes.

You will need to update the Route Advertisement options for the gateway, as this is a VCF environment, it is best to enable all options. Click save once complete.

Step 7: Re-plumb the Cross-Region Segment

This step is simply changing the Tier-1 gateway that the xRegion (Cross-Region) AVN is plumbed into. Refer to the image below.

Navigate to Networking -> Segments -> Edit the xRegion Segment, save once complete.

Step 8: Add the second on-prem location and import objects

Similar to the first location, it is now time to add the second location. Once we add the second location in, we are then able to stretch the segments and gateways across.

Navigate to System -> Location Manager -> Add On-prem Location. Populate the details relevant to your second location, as can be seen in the image below. Click save once complete.

Refer to Step 4, for instructions on obtaining the api thumbprint.

Step 9: Modify the second locations’ imported objects

Repeating the same process that was completed for Location 1, navigate System -> Location Manager -> Find the new location and click import on the blue banner.

Ensure a backup is taken, otherwise you will not be able to proceed.

If you added a prefix to location 1’s objects, make sure you do not use the same one during this import. Confirm on the next screen and click on import.

Once this is complete, all location 2’s objects should be imported.

Step 10: Configure networking for Region 2 (additional steps)

Disconnect Location 2’s Tier-1 Gateway

The first thing you will need to do once the objects from location 2 are imported is, remove the Tier-0 gateway attachment from location 2’s Tier-1 gateway. The reason you need to do this is, the Tier-0 gateway that was imported from location 2 will be deleted. The end result here is to have a single stretched Tier-0 gateway, so there is no use for the second Tier-0 gateway. Refer to the image below.

Click save and close editing once complete.

Delete Location 2’s Tier-0 Gateway

Navigate to Networking -> Tier-0 Gateway -> Delete Location 2’s Tier-0 gateway.

Configure RTEPs

Navigate to System -> Location Manager -> Click Networking under location 2. Follow the same process as you did for location 1.

In this case, no IP Pools were displayed in the menu (refer to the image below). This was on purpose, to demonstrate how to create these IP Pools.

First click on the drop-down menu in the black banner, and select the second location.

Navigate to Networking -> IP Address Pools -> Add IP Address Pool. Give it a name, click on subnets and enter the RTEP VLAN subnet details for this location. You can choose between IP Block or IP Ranges, in this example I am using a range. Refer to the image below, the fields not populated are not required.

Note: this subnet must be routable with the RTEP VLAN in the first location, if there are firewalls between locations, ensure TCP 443,1236 and UDP 6081 are open bi-directionally.

Navigate back to Global Manager > System > Location Manager, continue configuring the RTEP interfaces.

Step 11: Stretch and configure the Tier-0 Gateway (detailed)

This step is where the gateways are stretched across locations. Before demonstrating the process to accomplish this, it makes sense to provide a diagram of the end-state after all interfaces, gateways and segments have been completely configured. This will hopefully provide you with a clearer networking picture to assist with deployment in your own environment.

Configure the second location on the stretched Tier-0 gateway

Navigate to Networking -> Tier-0 Gateways -> Edit the Tier-0 gateway.

In the Locations section, click Add Location, the second location should show up on the second line, ensure you select the Edge cluster for the location as well. Refer to the image below. Click save once complete.

Configure Interfaces on the second location Edge nodes

Navigate to Networking -> Tier-0 Gateways -> Edit the Tier-0 gateway -> Click Set under Interfaces -> Click Add Interface.

When adding an interface for a specific Region, pay close attention to the following fields.

  • Name – Give it a name easily identifiable
  • Location – Select which location to create the interface (in this case either Region 1 or Region 2)
  • Type – External
  • IP Address / Mask – Interface IP Address
  • Connected To – Which segment to use for this interface
  • Edge Node – Which Edge node the interface will be instantiated on

The rest of the fields can remain as their default settings. The image below is an example of one of the Edge interfaces in Region 2, repeat the process for each interface that needs to be created, click save after completing each interface.

All interfaces should have been created successfully.

Configure Route Redistribution

Whilst in edit mode of the gateway, scroll down to Route Re-Distribution and click on Set for the second location that was added.

Click on Add Route Re-distribution, give it a name, and click on set. Check all the settings relevant to your environment, in this example all are checked. Refer to the image below. Click Apply once done, click Add on the previous screen and save the configuration.

Configure BGP neighbours in the second location

The diagram earlier in this step showed two SVI’s for the second region, and, these are the BGP peers that must be configured.

Navigate to BGP -> BGP Neighbors -> Set -> Add BGP Neighbor.

Fill in the details accordingly, pay close attention to the following fields.

  • IP Address – Neighbor IP address
  • Location – Location of the peer
  • Remote AS Number – ASN of the upstream peer
  • Source Address – peering to occur from the specified addresses
  • Password – If you have configured the peer with a password

If all configuration is correct, all peers should be successful.

Step 12: Clean-up objects

It’s time for some clean up, navigate to Networking -> Segments.

In this example I delete the second cross-region segment imported from Region 2, however, if you prefer you can disconnect it and not use it.

Step 13: Ensure Region Specific Tier-1s are configured correctly

This step is ensuring there are region specific Tier-1 gateways that are not stretched across locations. These will be used for the site specific AVNs which will have vRealize Log Insight connected to them.

Navigate to Networking -> Tier-1 Gateways -> Edit both site specific Tier-1 gateways. Ensure that each site specific Tier-1 gateway is only assigned the location they are in. Refer to the image below.

For reference, the image below shows the Cross-Region-T1 configured with both locations.

Step 14: Add the standby manager

In the Global Manager UI, navigate to System -> Location Manager – > Add Standby. Refer to Step 4 for instructions on obtaining the thumbprint.

Step 15: Add Compute Manager and Workspace One Integration for Region 2

This step will not be repeated for this example, however, refer to Step 2 for instructions on integrating with the region specific Workspace One and adding the compute manager. Ensure you are integrating the Region 2 Global Manager cluster with the Region 2 Workspace One appliance and vCenter!

To achieve this, you will have to log into the VIP of the Global Manager cluster in Region 2 and perform the integration steps. While the Active and Standby Global Manager clusters sync some data, Workspace One integration and compute managers are not something that is synced across the clusters.


In this article you have been shown how to configure NSX-T Federated VCF Regions, from an NSX-T perspective. Hopefully you found this article useful, please feel free to leave a comment.

If you missed it earlier, click on this link The intention of this post is to provide some of the finer details that were discussed in my latest video, titled Deploy NSX-T Federated VCF Regions (VCF Multi-Region) to view the video.

8 thoughts on “NSX-T Federated VCF Regions (VCF Multi-Region)

    • Author gravatar

      Excellent article with detailed steps. Waiting for customer deployment.

    • Author gravatar

      Hi Shank,
      Thank you very much, what a great detailed article. I will use it during my VCF deployment few days.

      I have one question please, regarding step 5 after importing networking form local manger: you mentioned
      “all imported objects and objects created globally are marked with a GM” ,
      this means that imported T0 and T1 now is a global components,
      do we have any limitation for this approach
      or prefer to deploy new T0 for VCF mgt domain after the bring up.

      • Author gravatar

        After the bring up there are already two Tier-0 Gateways, I suppose you could create another, but there is no difference with using the T0 already created.
        You do have to delete the second Tier-0 that is created as part of the second region / management domain instance.

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for this excellent blog, after on-boarding and reconnecting x-region segment to new Global T1 ( P/S A/S) , how this will be reflected back to SDDC Manager / vRLCM to use this segment as x-Region AVN. do we need to do anything ?? or no further action is needed as name will remain same

      • Author gravatar

        SDDC Manager is currently not aware of global objects / Federation, it is all done externally. As for next steps, have a look here and follow along https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Validated-Design/6.2/sddc-deployment-of-cloud-operations-and-automation/GUID-00B04468-BA90-4769-9F14-D50902C7BA29.html.

        • Author gravatar

          Great article, although I think Syed’s query is still valid? The article you’ve linked to is creating the cross-region environment within vRSLCM however I think the query is more about AVNs within SDDC Manager (in region B).
          The Region B SDDC Manager would have the Region B AVN and Cross-region AVN configured before federation and then during the federation that second version of the cross-region AVN (or at least the NSX-T segment it points at) is deleted. But how does the Region B SDDC Manager cope with that? If you look at the AVNs configured in it does it show an error against the “X-Region” section (as the segment it was previously configured to use has been deleted) or does it only reference the segment name and seamlessly just show the cross-region segment that was originally created in Region A?

          I’m also hoping you might have some insight into an issue we have – we’ve ended up (potentially) in a mess as we neglected to create the AVNs (both local and cross-region) in the Region B SDDC Manager before we did the NSX-T Federation (despite the documentation clearly warning they must be created before Federation…). Is there are way out of this (without rebuilding the Region B site completely)? I still actually get an “Add AVN” option in the Region B SDDC Manager but haven’t tried to see if it works (I’ve opened an SR and don’t want to make things worse), I suspect it might fail though as the cross-region segment it would try and create for the cross-region AVN already exists (the Region B Local Managers being aware of the Region A version of it due to the federation)

          • Author gravatar

            Ah my mistake, however, as mentioned Federation could almost be considered a 2/3rd class citizen in relation to VCF / SDDC Manager.
            Region B’s SDDC Manager will never ‘sync’ or ‘update’ with something it did not create. I have in the past deleted or manually updated the SDDC Manager database to reflect the created xReg AVN / subnet, but its not necessary if you are willing to deal with the error under AVNs.

            The issue you will have with adding the AVN’s now, at least what I would envisage happening are.
            1. It works, but creates it on the local manager and because you have already federated, you won’t be able to import them. But as you said, you have already federated and stretched. You may need to unstretch it first, but really I wouldn’t bother and just stretch the xreg AVN from Reg A to B using the GM’s.
            2. It doesn’t work at all.

            You may also just be able to manually wire the second regions local T1 / AVN or segment, and not do it through SDDC Manager.
            I’d be curious to know what support say, but I see Federation as very much a bolt on that isn’t quite seamless just yet.

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